NYC duo, The Felix, burst onto the scene last year with their debut single, “Coming Back” and have not not stopped. Composed of lifelong friends Jeffrey James and Blake Skipper, the two decided to make it their mission to give people something that they can relate to, a musical experience that combines influences of synth pop, indie rock and r&b.
We got to take a listen to the new single, “Still Holding and we were big fans. The Robyn-esq vibe reminds me of a nostalgic 80’s credits song but with some fresh 2017 updates. The arpeggiated bass lines with those dreamy, luscious synth chords really helps ground the track and provides steady aural pleasure form start to end. The other thing I was digging was storytelling the duo has going on in the track, it may be a little sappy, but it’s a good a type of sappy.
Peep the track below and leave your thoughts in the comments. If you like you can pick it up from your favorite digital retailer.
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