Last Week, I, with my good friend Phil, had the pleasure of  interviewing Atlanta pop group The Constellations.  Phil was there on behalf of Philly’s Basement Show, a blog where they bring you into a more present reality of living now through art, business, and complete bullshit, and we had a intimate interview with the band to get to know who they are. After a small hitch with getting up to the floor, (which includes a #fail for the iphone) we made it to the interview room where they had  a grand piano and some assorted beverages.  The group opened up to us (with a little help from some beer and liquor) and we got a glimpse into the mindset of this up and coming band that is a drinking band with a reputation for music.

The Constellations are pretty cool folks, they are down to earth, and in tune to whats going on. After the interview they invited us out to party with them in the LES where we had some beers, some shots and some other things that made us enjoy the night.  Good times to be had all round.

Below is footage from part 1 of the interview we had with them at EMI headquarters in NYC as well as some concert footage from the free show they played at Brooklyn Bowl. What we were trying to do with the interview was just capture the band in a very comfortable, relaxed setting, to really get a feel for who they are and what they do. Stay tuned for part 2 later this week.


The Constellations – Setback
